Tarot 101

Tarot 101

Common meanings behind each suit:

Cups reflect matters of emotion and relationships (WATER) (Days)
Wands represent things like inspiration, ambition, and activity (FIRE) (Weeks)
Coins focus on the material aspects of life, such as security and finance (EARTH) (Months)
Sword cards generally indicate conflict or moral issues. (AIR) (Years)

Common meanings behind each numerical value:

1.      Aces/Ones: potential, beginnings, youth, newness, new approaches/attitudes.
2.     Twos: balance, choice, connection
3.     Threes: initial foundation, progression
4.     Fours: stability, security, selfishness, pause
5.     Fives: conflict, challenge, disruption
6.     Sixes: success, re-connection, checking in
7.     Sevens: inner work, spiritual development
8.     Eights: personal power, action, us vs. our ego
9.     Nines: final push, almost there, exhaustion
10.  Tens: manifestation, results

Pages often appear to us when we are in transition spaces, or right after when we're about to start out on our new cycle. The Pages have gone through the cycle in the minors, from Ace to Ten, and are looking for a deeper experience with their respective suit.
Pages conceive ideas.

Knight (Court):
The Knights can represent people in our lives, though I've found more often they represent aspects of people in our lives (including ourselves).
Knights act upon ideas.

Represent creativity and ideas coming to fruition.
Queens nurture ideas.

Signify the growth and maturity of an idea or concept right through until reaches completion.
Kings develop those ideas to an established and stable state.

Common meanings behind each individual card:

Major Arcana

0 0 The Fool- Beginnings, Innocence, Impulsiveness, Newness
1 I The Magician- Power, Self-actualization, Realization, Confidence
2 II The High Priestess- Mystery, Intuition, Patience, Duality
3 III The Empress- Materialism, Fertility, Protection, Satisfaction
4 IV The Emperor- Structure, Order, Security, Discipline
5 V The Hierophant- Tradition, Institutions, Knowledge, Rules
6 VI The Lovers- Harmony, Divine, Blessed, Trust
7 VII The Chariot- Force, Emotion, Control, Victory
8 VIII Strength- Character, Courage, Conviction, Endurance
9 IX The Hermit- Isolation, Enlightenment, Sacrifice, Transformation
10 X Wheel of Fortune- Destiny, Change, Foretelling, Cycles
11 XI Justice- Law, Reflection, Authority, Fairness
12 XII The Hanged Man- Choice, Passivity, Relinquishing, Attainment
13 XIII Death- Transition, Progress, Necessity, Inevitability
14 XIV Temperance- Reconstruction, Moderation, Balance, Integration
15 XV The Devil- Corruption, Indulgence, Ignorance, Resistance
16 XVI The Tower- Destruction, Necessity, Cleansing, Foundation
17 XVII The Star- Comfort, Divinity, Faith, Rejuvenation
18 XVIII The Moon- Illusion, Deception, Subconscious, Perception
19 XIX The Sun- Clarity, Redemption, Success, Celebration
20 XX Judgment- Rebirth, Integration, Development, Restoration
21 XXI The World- Completion, Victory, Achievement, Affirmation

Minor Arcana


1 Ace of swords- Power, Insight, Clarity, Achievement
2 Two of swords- Stalemate, Barriers, Defensiveness, Stubbornness
3 Three of swords- Betrayal, Grief, Pain, Challenge
4 Four of swords- Rest, Recovery, Truce, Quiet
5 Five of swords- Disillusion, Deception, Spoils, Resignation
6 Six of swords- Escape, Balance, Guidance, Renewal
7 Seven of swords- Cunning, Guile, Confidence, Indecision
8 Eight of swords- Entrapment, Helplessness, Self-discipline, Courage
9 Nine of swords- Regret, Anguish, Apprehension, Distortion
10 Ten of swords- Disaster, Karma, Ending, Rebirth
Page of swords- Insight, Perception, Subtlety, Unraveling
Knight of swords- Suddenness, Hostility, Fearlessness, Invincibility
Queen of swords- Clarity, Intuition, Honesty, Wisdom
King of swords- Judgment, Incorruptibility, Ability, Activity


1 Ace of pentacles- Resources, Goals, Gifts, Wealth
2 Two of pentacles- Balance, Change, Flexibility, Restraint
3 Three of pentacles- Service, Cooperation, Potential, Fulfillment
4 Four of pentacles- Gain, Greed, Hoarding, Selfishness
5 Five of pentacles- Misfortune, Materialism, Comfort, Salvation
6 Six of pentacles- Generosity, Discernment, Kindness, Rewards
7 Seven of pentacles- Choices, Reflection, Harvest, Accomplishment
8 Eight of pentacles- Dedication, Security, Application, Experience
9 Nine of pentacles- Abundance, Perfection, Satisfaction, Self-worth
10 Ten of pentacles- Sharing, Gifts, Inheritance, Legacy
Page of pentacles- Responsibility, Opportunity, Preservation, Knowledge
Knight of pentacles- Success, Character, Assessment, Loyalty
Queen of pentacles- Nurturing, Security, Generosity, Trustworthiness
King of pentacles- Stability, Wealth, Profitability, Competence


1 Ace of cups- Love, Potential, Intuition, Spirituality
2 Two of cups- Harmony, Connection, Partnership, Reservation
3 Three of cups- Joy, Success, Community, Blessings
4 Four of cups- Carelessness, Disappointment, Moderation, Discernment
5 Five of cups- Sadness, Grief, Imbalance, Hope
6 Six of cups- Memories, Inspiration, Fertility, Simplicity
7 Seven of cups- Choice, Delusion, Temptation, Prudence
8 Eight of cups- Stagnation, Apathy, Self-discovery, Sacrifice
9 Nine of cups- Satisfaction, Abundance, Happiness, Peace
10 Ten of cups- Serenity, Completion, Blessedness, Joy
Page of cups- Imagination, Beginnings, Compassion, Romanticism
Knight of cups- Calmness, Idealism, Messages, Seduction
Queen of cups- Insight, Healing, Magnetism, Secrecy
King of cups- Sympathy, Diplomacy, Indecisiveness, Moderation


1 Ace of wands- Energy, Creativity, Health, Unpredictability
2 Two of wands- Application, Cohesiveness, Willpower, Control
3 Three of wands- Strength, Success, Teamwork, Self-respect
4 Four of wands- Achievement, Rest, Order, Reinvestment
5 Five of wands- Conflict, Conscience, Priorities, Strategy
6 Six of wands- Recognition, confidence, dedication, arrogance
7 Seven of wands- Bravery, Morality, Conviction, Readiness
8 Eight of wands- Energy, Speed, power, transformation
9 Nine of wands- Stamina, Vigilance, Progress, Potential
10 Ten of wands- Burden, Responsibility, Determination, Release
Page of wands- Catalyst, Creation, Conception, Fearlessness
Knight of wands- Daring, Support, Spontaneity, Exuberance
Queen of wands- Ambition, Constancy, Stubbornness, Guidance
King of wands- Vision, Leadership, Compassion, Idealism
